About Us

En-tre-pre-neur (ahn-truh-pruh-) (n): a person who moves resources from an area of low production to an area of high production.

Aeneas, a well known Trojan Hero, is the epiphany of a Trojan Entrepreneur. After the Spartans invaded Troy with the Trojan Horse, Aeneas made a crucial decision: take the best they had left and maintain the Trojan way of living by moving their resources into a new place. So Aeneas was successful in making the change necessary to survive. He moved to a area now known as Italy and started a “New Troy”, excecpt, he decided it would be a good idea to change their name—so they became Romans!

Our Trojan Entrepreneurs do the same thing: after we move on from Troy, we start a new culture under a new name. To the rest of the world we are known by our business, to Trojans we are known as the future of the World!

Welcome to Trojan Entrepreneur. We are dedicated to providing all Trojans who are willing to take the leap and create value for the world by creating a new type of culture a place to sell their products and services to the community they will always belong: The Trojan Community.